Throughout the year, your HVAC system is always operating, providing both heating and cooling inside your home. However, it’s important to note that it won’t last forever and will eventually need to be replaced with a new system.

Typically, HVAC units last, on average, about 12 to 15 years. Luckily, there are a few different ways in which you can increase the life of your HVAC system so that you can ensure you are able to get the most out of it before you end up needing to upgrade to a newer system.

Here are some useful ways in which you can increase the life of your HVAC system that you can make note of.

Make sure that you change the filter of the system on a regular basis. This is something that you will want to have an experienced HVAC professional do, and it should be done during checkups that take place twice per year. Many times, homeowners prefer to use either three-month pleated filters or 30-day fiberglass filters. Regardless of which one is used, these should always be regularly checked. In the event that they are dirty, they should always be replaced, even if they are found to be dirty before they are normally scheduled to be replaced.

As previously mentioned, you will want to schedule two annual checkups on your HVAC unit per year, which can be done with an experienced HVAC professional in your area of residence. This type of professional will ensure that the unit is properly inspected, cleaned, and tuned up. Typically, you will want to schedule these checkups during the spring and either in late summer or early fall. This will enable your system to be better optimized in terms of efficiency. In the event that a serious issue is found, it can then be handled prior to upgrading to a new system.

Upgrade your insulation if it’s needed. Keep in mind that the less you operate your HVAC unit, the longer the unit itself will last. This means that the insulation in your home should always be checked, and if it needs to be upgraded, don’t hesitate to do so. Perhaps the most important place to check this material is in your attic, as this will be where the most sufficient insulation will be located. If insufficient insulation is found in your home, you may also want to consider insulating your basement, as well as adding more material into any open wall cavities. A professional energy audit is the best way to locate any weak spots that can be filled.

Consider investing in the installation of a smart thermostat, which has the potential to learn both the habits and schedule of your HVAC system so that it will be able to make adjustments in order to save energy, and all without the use of any kind of programming.

Take the time to check on your system’s condenser, which is located outside of your home. While this is built to stand up to outdoor elements, it stands the risk of becoming damaged from windblown debris and/or hail thanks to severe storms. In the event that your area of residence goes through something like this, take a moment to look at your condenser to see if you notice any signs of damage.

These are just a select few of the many ways in which you can help to prolong the lifespan of your HVAC unit. It may also help to speak to a professional HVAC technician in your area in order to obtain further advice regarding what else can be done on your part. This may depend on the type of unit that you have.

Thank you for visiting the On the Go blog, a Las Cruces HVAC system repair company. If you need your HVAC system repaired contact one of our technicians today.