We all love our pets! Whether it’s a dog, cat, rabbit, etc. it sheds. Unless it’s a fish. Then you can disregard this. But if you have a furry friend living at home then you may want to take note on how they may be affecting your HVAC system. If you need other advice on HVAC systems, On the Go, a Las Cruces heating and cooling company can help.

Ten percent of the U.S. population is affecting by allergies. Some of these allergies are indoor caused by mold, dust and pet dander. If you suffer from allergies there are some steps you can take to help lessen the suffering.

Pet dander is saliva coated skin cells that your animals shed. These collect in to dust and can wreak havoc on your sinuses. If they accumulate enough they are also unsightly and can lead to teary eyes, stuffy nose, or itchiness in the eyes.

Why does your body react like this? It’s your immune system’s job to protect you from outside intruders. Your body recognizes this dander as an intruder and tries to get you to expel the dander by sneezing. But you can help fight back against the dander and reduce the level of reaction your body has. Targeted air filtration can be used together with some household cleaning to provide a drastic drop in pet dander.

Your HVAC system air filter can the number one tool in fighting pet dander in your home. Simply purchase and place a HEPA air filter in your vents. These High-Efficiency Particulate Air filters capture and trap pet dander in the filter which helps keep your home clean. Whatever is floating around in your air cycles through and eventually gets captured.

Unfortunately this doesn’t work on particles that have already collected on to surfaces in your home including the floor so you will have to do regular dusting and sweeping to keep. But the good news is over time after changing your filter to a HEPA filter you will notice you won’t have to dust and sweep as much because the dander will be caught before it settles.

There are other things you can do to fight back against indoor pet dander allergies. Keep your pets away from surfaces that easily trap dander such as porous surfaces like fabric and textiles. Keep them off the furniture and out of your bedroom. Especially off the bed. This way you have a clean area to sleep. Regularly wash bedding as well. This is especially recommended for those who suffer from respiratory issues such as asthma or allergies.

Indoor air quality is very important because you spend quite a bit of time in your home. It’s important to make sure it’s a healthy and clean environment for everyone. This will help prevent future sinus infections as well as allergies from getting any worse.

Thank you for visiting the On the Go blog, a Las Cruces heating and cooling company. If your HVAC system is in need of a tune-up contact us today to schedule a technician.