HVAC Tips For Wintertime. Before you know it, the winter season will be here, which means that it’ll be time to turn off the air conditioner and instead switch on the furnace. Ensuring that your home’s HVAC unit is ready for each and every challenge that comes with the colder weather is vitally important to keeping you and your family warm.

Here are three of the most useful winter maintenance tips for your home’s HVAC unit to make note of.

What is HVAC?

*One important tip to consider for your HVAC (heating, ventilation, air conditioning) unit is cleaning or replacing the unit’s air filter. If this is dirty and hasn’t been replaced in a long time, it will end up causing your furnace to have a much harder time operating than it actually should. As a result, you will experience increased energy bills. Be sure to replace the filter at the beginning of the season, then continue to do so every month afterward.

*Covering your outdoor HVAC unit is another important tip to consider. This is something that should be done when you’re absolutely sure that you won’t be using it again for the entire season. Outdoor unit covers are thankfully affordable and will help to protect the unit from snow and ice, as well as buildup of debris.

HVAC Replacement Cost

*HVAC Tips For Wintertime. If you didn’t have a previous inspection of your HVAC unit completed during the fall, it’s important to contact an experienced professional to have this done. As part of the tune-up of your furnace, a professional will take the time to inspect your unit, searching for any and all signs of wear and tear that will need to be taken care of. Additionally, the inspection will also include both optimizing and cleaning the furnace, thereby allowing it to operate much more efficiently.