HVAC Tips For Fall. Now that the fall season is officially upon us, it seems like only yesterday to many of us that we were enjoying all kinds of summer-related activities. These days, however, it’ll be time to dress warmer and prepare for the holiday season. On the other hand, it’ll also be time to ensure that your home’s HVAC unit is fully prepared to handle the changing temperatures.

Here are three of the best ways to prepare your home’s HVAC unit for the fall season.

  • Check the Status of Your Alarms and Detectors

This is perhaps one of the most important steps that you should take first. This is because carbon monoxide detectors and smoke detectors are devices that are absolutely essential when it comes to keeping you and your family safe. According to the United States Fire Administration, you should replace your smoke detectors every ten years. In the event that you are unsure of the last time they were replaced, be sure to check the manufacturing date on the back of the device itself. Additionally, make sure you push the test buttons on all devices in order to make sure that they are properly working.

  • Clean Your Outdoor HVAC Unit

If you have an outdoor HVAC unit at your home, it’s important that you take the time to check it thoroughly for any and all kinds of damage or debris. You will need to remove everything from around the unit itself, as this will ensure proper air flow and prevent other forms of debris, such as leaves and dirt, from getting onto the coils or inside the unit itself. In the event that you spot any signs of potential damage, contact a licensed professional immediately.

  • Check All of Your Air Filters

HVAC Tips For Fall. Air filters that aren’t clean can result in many different issues involving your HVAC unit. For example, you’ll likely find that you won’t be able to heat or cool your home as efficiently as you should. Regardless, you will need to replace the filter itself prior to shutting it down, as this will help make sure that it’s prepared by the time it needs to kick on again. Throughout the colder months, you will want to consider keeping an eye on changes involving your furnace filters. This will ensure that your HVAC unit is able to operate properly.