HVAC Tips and Tricks:
When it comes to HVAC units, there are often emergencies that need to be taken care of almost immediately, and many times, there isn’t enough time to contact an experienced HVAC professional to correct what may be happening. Regardless of what may be going on with your own unit, there are all sorts of useful tips to make note of in order to ensure that your unit is properly cared for in the event that you aren’t able to obtain the services of an experienced professional right away.
Here are five useful tips for homeowners that will ensure you will be able to care for your HVAC unit.
*First and foremost, always make sure that you change your air filters on a regular basis. This is especially the case if you have just recently moved into your home, as the home itself may have been listed for a few months prior to you purchasing it. Generally, you should consider changing the air filters in your unit at least once a month in order to ensure that clean air is able to circulate throughout your home.
*Take the time to clean your duct work. A vast majority of the time, you will never know if your ducts are either dirty or in need of some type of repair. The best way to tell this is if your home appears to be dusty or if you happen to notice that your HVAC unit is making noises as if it’s working much harder than it normally should be. If you notice either of these, these are signs that you will need to check your duct work. While there’s every chance that they may simply be dirty, there’s also the chance that they may be leaking air – in which case, you will need to contact an experienced technician to have your ducts either patched or replaced.
*It’s also a good idea to make sure that you keep all of your air vents open. Oftentimes, many homeowners will close vents in spaces that they don’t use with the thought that it will save energy; however, doing this will actually make their HVAC system much less efficient. By keeping your vents open, this will allow for a more equal temperature distribution throughout your home, as well as ensuring your HVAC unit is able to run much more efficiently.
*You will also need to know exactly what type of HVAC unit you have in your home. Typically, most homes have a central air conditioning system, while other homes often have a ductless mini-split system. Additionally, when it comes to your furnace, you will need to take the time to determine whether it’s electric, natural gas, or whether your home uses or boiler system or a heat pump.
*It’s also a good idea to ensure that your condenser unit is free and clear of any and all debris. This unit is typically located in your side yard, meaning that shrubs and other forms of debris can end up building up around the unit itself, which, as a result, can limit its overall air flow, thereby causing it to work harder than it should in order to keep your home cool.
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