On The Go Heating and Cooling Las Cruces NM • Fall HVAC Maintenance Tips

When it comes to regular HVAC maintenance during the fall season, this is something that will help to ensure that your unit itself is running as efficiently as possible. In order to be able to obtain the most from your unit, there are a few important tasks that you will need to consider performing in terms of fall HVAC maintenance. Furthermore, you will also need to consider having an experienced HVAC professional both clean and service your unit twice per year.

Here are four of the most useful fall HVAC maintenance tips to make note of.

Schedule Maintenance

First and foremost, perhaps one of the most useful fall HVAC maintenance tips is to schedule maintenance. Despite the fact that routine HVAC maintenance can be extremely helpful, an experienced HVAC professional will always take the time to conduct a thorough inspection of your unit before then addressing any and all issues that they may come across. Furthermore, regular professional maintenance will also extend the life of your unit itself, as well as potentially keep all energy costs as low as possible. The best method to achieve this is to get into contact with your local HVAC company to schedule professional maintenance for your unit.

Clean Your Vents

Another of the most useful fall HVAC maintenance tips is to always make sure that your vents are clean. It’s important to keep in mind that debris and dust can always build up in your unit during the summer season, and whenever the fall season comes around, you will need to check every single one of your vents for any amount of debris and dust. This is a specific type of HVAC maintenance that is important especially since even the tiniest amount of dust buildup on your blower motor and coil and result in up to a 10% loss of efficiency, which is also a top reason for higher energy costs.

Check Your Thermostat

One other of the most useful fall HVAC maintenance tips is to take the time to check your thermostat. By testing your thermostat, you will be working to ensure that your HVAC unit isn’t being overworked in any way, shape, or form. If you discover that your thermostat responds properly and shows a more accurate temperature reading, this will show that it’s actually functioning correctly. Furthermore, if you have a programmable thermostat, then fall maintenance is the perfect time to review the setting that you’ve programmed to ensure that everything is much more appropriate for the actual change in the weather.

Clean Your Outdoor Unit

Another useful fall HVAC maintenance tip is to ensure that your outdoor unit is cleaned. While falling leaves during the fall season may be beautiful, they can also create a hazard for your outdoor HVAC unit as well. This is because the leaves themselves can get caught in the unit, thereby resulting in the unit itself becoming a potential fire hazard, as well as resulting in the accumulation of dirt, pollen, twigs, and dust. By keeping your outdoor HVAC unit free of any and all debris, you will be ensuring that you won’t have to worry about any unexpected repair costs in the long run.

​Schedule a FREE consultation with On The Go HAC today for HVAC Maintenance, Repair, Heating, and Cooling in Las Cruces, NM!