Chances are you may be one of many homeowners who have experienced the stressful situation of having an HVAC unit break down during the hottest day of the year. This type of scenario is never fun for anyone, no matter where you live and no matter how hot it may be outdoors at the time. We all know that whenever we have working HVAC units, especially during the hottest times of the year, we are always happy knowing that we will be able to keep ourselves nice and cool in our homes. However, ensuring that it stays this way begins with simple maintenance.

Here are four useful HVAC maintenance tips that all homeowners should consider making note of.

  1.  First and foremost, always take the time to change the air filter in your HVAC unit. As time goes on, the air filter can become clogged, which can lead to the unit itself having to work much harder in order to blow clean air into the home. On top of that, it can also result in your energy bills increasing as well. Failure to properly change the air filter in your HVAC unit will also increase the chances that the unit will end up breaking down due to various issues. Typically, changing the air filter is something that should be done once every two weeks; however, if you live in an environment that is particularly too dusty, this is something that should be done much more often.
  2.  It’s also important to schedule regular tune-ups for your HVAC unit. For instance, if it has been over a year since your unit was last services, then chances are you could end up being at a much higher risk for multiple issues taking place, especially if it’s during the summer season. Furthermore, scheduling a tune-up will be able to detect any and all issues before they end up getting too far out of control, and a tune-up can also help to greatly lower your energy bills as well.
  3. Take the time to wipe all of the dust away that has gathered around the HVAC unit itself. This is something that can end up causing all sorts of issues that will only cost you a huge amount of money to fix due to the unit eventually breaking down. The best way to prevent this is to take the time to clear away any and all debris from the HVAC unit, as well as perform regular checks on it to make sure that nothing is there. This is especially important if your area of residence experiences strong winds due to a storm, which can cause this kind of a situation to occur.
  4. Ensure that your HVAC unit is always set to the most optimal temperature possible. This is something that can generally be found listed in the owner’s manual. If it’s not listed there, you should be able to obtain this information from your service technician. All in all, you will need to avoid fluctuating the temperatures too much due to the fact that this will cause your unit to have to work harder, thereby causing it to be non-efficient.

Schedule a FREE consultation with On The Go HAC today!