Air Conditioner In Winter: Now that the fall season is officially underway, colder weather will soon be descending upon much of the country, which means that it will be time to winterize your outdoor HVAC unit. While you may think that a task such as this would take a great deal of time to complete, in actuality, it takes much less time than you might think.

It’s important to keep in mind that these types of units were specifically designed to be outdoors, meaning that they won’t malfunction simply because they get rain or snow on them. On the other hand, there are a few specific things that you will be able to do in order to ensure that the units themselves aren’t damaged during the winter season, as failing to properly care for it can result in you potentially having to repair it when you attempt to turn it on during the summer in order to keep cool.

Here are the ways in which you can winterize your outdoor HVAC unit.

*First and foremost, you will need to ensure that your unit is completely shut off prior to performing any kind of maintenance work. This can be done by looking for the power switch on the unit itself, which is typically located by the unit’s metal lid.

*You will then need to wash the cover of the unit itself, which should always be done on a day that’s a bit warmer as opposed to colder. To do this, wet a cloth and wipe away any debris and other messes that may be on the unit. Additionally, take the time to ensure that there are no other types of debris, such as leaves, sticks, and more around the bottom portion of the unit as well, as this can attract small animals who may end up attempting to nest in the unit itself, thereby causing more potential damage to it.

*Once the unit has been dried, you will then need to cover it with either a furnace cover or a tarp; however, it may be a good idea to consult with a manufacturer in terms of what may be recommended in terms of covering the unit, as oftentimes, small rodents will often use fabric covers as a safe place to seek shelter for the winter season. When the time comes to turn your unit on for the summer, be sure to remove the cover first.

*If there are any exposed pipes, take the time to cover them with foam pipe covers. These types of covers are able to be purchased from your local home improvement store. To cover the pipes, simply place the covers over the pipes themselves before taping them together using duct tape. The insulation contained in the covers will help to prevent the pipes from both freezing and breaking.

*It’s also important to ensure that you get a regular tune-up for your furnace. This is something that should only be done by a qualified technician rather than attempting to do it yourself. Additionally, if you’re having issues with winterizing your outdoor unit, a technician will also be able to provide you with assistance on exactly how this can be done.

*Once your outdoor unit has been winterize, you will need to visually inspect it in order to ensure that there are no small animals or debris in or around the unit itself. Generally, this is something that you will need to do every month during the winter season.

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